Hand Bouquet

Garden In The Air Fresh Flower鲜花

9 Stalks Fresh Roses & Carnation Bouquet.

contain: fresh roses, carnations, baby breath, carnation spray, chamomile, eustoma & eucalyptus.



9 Stalks Fresh Roses & Carnation Bouquet.
Can request for random design wishes card. We are able to deliver to any places in Johor Bahru area or any address as stated. (If order before 3 pm, we can deliver same day. If exceeded will deliver next day)

Miss Flower | 花小姐 | TAMAN PERLING | Self Pick-up/Delivery available | DM or contact 016-7768399 for more information.

**Miss Flower reserves the right to replace any item with another equivalent value item depends on season and availability.

Same Day Flower Delivery Johor Bahru (JB) | Fresh Flower Delivery Johor Bahru (JB)

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